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Serie Van ngắt tự động UPSO - Áp suất max 1 bar

The FRG/2MB MIN filter regulator or RG/2MB MIN regulator is made up of the coupling of a filter regulator or regulator and a shut off valve of low pressure.

It works as a closing regulator but when the value of the regulation pressure goes down, for accidental causes, the shut set pressure, the latter automatically intervenes and shuts upstream (with a bell closure completely independent from the regulator) the gas flux for the plant safety.
The opening of the shut valve is only manual after verifying the causes that provoked the shut.

In conformity with the 2009/142/EC Directive (Gas Directive)
In conformity with the 97/23/EC Directive (PED Directive)
In conformity with the 94/9/EC Directive (ATEX Directive)