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Radial turbine gasmeters  ELGAS (former marking GWF) type TRZ, EQZ and EQZK for ranges G/Q 16-400 and sizes DN 40-100

TRZ Radial turbine gasmeter

Radial turbine gasmeter for billing purposes measuring required obligatory verification (in MID version) or internal measuring up to overpressure 6 bar (0,6 MPa)
   - DN 50, 80, 100; G 16 - G 400 (for billing G 65 - G 400)
   - measuring accuracy 0,2 Qmax - Qmax +/- 1%
   - LF pulse generátor in standard version
   - optional pulse output MF and HF

EQZ Radial turbine gasmeter

Radial turbine gasmeter for internall measuring up to overpressure 6 bar (0,6 MPa)

   - DN 40, 50, 80, 100; Q 16 - Q 400
   - measuring accuracy 0,2 Qmax - Qmax +/- 1,5 %
   - optional pulse output LF, MF and HF

EQZK Radial turbine gasmeter

Radial turbine gasmeter for measuring of biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas, ethylen and etc.

   - applied for internal measuring up to overpressure 6 bar (0,6 MPa)
   - max. concentration of H2S 150-200 ppm/m3
   - DN 40, 50, 80, 100; Q 16 - Q 400
   - measuring accuracy 0,2 Qmax - Qmax +/- 1,5 %
   - optional pulse output LF and MF.